Do dental implants hurt? | How to prepare?

Do dental implants hurt? Most people’s understanding of dental implants is gum open surgery. which may sound scary but the truth The dental implant procedure is not as painful as you think. This is because the doctor will prescribe local anesthesia or anesthesia during the procedure, but on the other hand, the process that causes the patient to feel the most pain. is extracting a tooth rather than inserting an implant because of rooting An denture is a surgical titanium implant inserted into the jawbone to replace the root. real teeth only Therefore, pain from dental implants and wounds is almost non-existent.
Moreover, with the development of dental technology This makes the treatment process more convenient, less time consuming and easier. where the patient will not feel pain and fear Plus, at present, implantation is still an option. Many that are suitable for patients as well.
Who is suitable for dental implants?
🦷 People with missing teeth
🦷 People who have lost a tooth for a long time
🦷 People who use dentures feel loose and do not fit properly
🦷 People with severe gum disease and tooth loss
🦷 People who suffer from bone loss in the jaw area after tooth loss
🦷 People who have had crowns or bridges have problems Teeth may rock to the point that they need to be extracted.
How to prepare before undergoing dental implant treatment

o Report the history of drug allergy and congenital disease to the dentist as dentists may need to antibiotics before treatment in some cases
o Have a health check with a dentist first to see if you can get dental implant treatment or not.
o Refrain from taking certain vitamins or supplements that cause slow bleeding in the case of drugs that the patient has to take continuously. You should consult your GP before you can stop.
o Abstain from smoking and alcohol at least 7 days before the surgery.
o If you have a cold, flu, or other illness, you should wait for it to heal before getting treatment.
o If the patient is taking fibrinolytic drugs, consult a doctor before stopping the drug.
Dental implant treatment procedure
The entire healing process can take several months to complete. Most of them are waiting for the wound to heal and waiting for the bone to heal with the implant. In some cases, if the process is used Additional treatment may take time.
1) Consultation and oral examination may include X-Ray and mouth impression in order to plan the treatment. most suitable
2) Clearing out oral problems that may interfere with dental implants according to the dentist’s diagnosis, such as fillings, scaling, and treating gingivitis
3) If the patient has enough bone tissue left or is a case that has been withdrawn and implanted immediately, it can be Can have dental implant surgery But if there are not enough bones The patient may need to undergo a bone transplant. dental implant before and the waiting time for dental implants is longer than before
4) The dentist will place the implant on the bone that supports the teeth and sew the wound to cover the wound at this stage. gap between teeth after surgery However, removable dentures can be used to replace teeth. while waiting for the healing of the bones
5) Receive an appointment for a wound examination which is approximately 7-14 days after the surgery.
6) The patient must wait 3-4 months for the implant to be completely attached to the bone after
Then the dentist will take the patient’s mouth impression to produce the crown.
7) Dentist made an appointment to insert the original tooth brace and put a crown or bridge.
8) See a dentist to check occlusal, occlusion and make adjustments to normal with a dentist.
Advise patients on how to care for and behave after dental implants.
How to behave after dental implant treatment
o Bite the cotton swab at the dentist continuously for 1-1.30 hours to stop the bleeding and Do not change gauze often.
o Apply a cold compress for 3 days on the cheek area to reduce swelling.
o A suction tube should not be used for the first 24 hours after surgery, including smoking, as the suction power will affect the wound.
o At first, eat soft foods such as porridge or porridge to avoid chewing hard food.
o You can brush and floss normally, but be careful around the surgical wound. oTake complete medication as prescribed by the dentist
o Sleep on a high pillow for the first 2-3 days to reduce swelling.
o Give the dentist a saline solution or mouthwash after eating and at bedtime to reduce infection.
o Eat healthy food to heal wounds faster, avoid alcohol or foods high in sugar.
o Periodically check for symptoms and abnormalities, visit a dentist at regular appointments and have dental checkups at least every 6 months.
come back to life with confidence Get beautiful teeth like new look natural don’t have to suffer reclaim a smile And your happiness is back with dental implants, the new generation’s dental implant choice.
For those interested in dental treatment able to consult and get advice from a professional dentist at Dental Select Clinic